Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Anatonmy of a nite out

Was out on last friday nite at some Ang moh pick up bar, or a place where ang mohs go to for drinks. This is wad I heard among the friends I was with the whole nite.

Kan ni nah.........cheebai.........na buei cheebye.......cheebye lah......nah buei.....chow cheebye.....Kaninahbuchowcheebye......cheeeeeeeebai......nah buei cibai lah....cheeebye....kanninahhhhhh..........nah buei lah......cibai......nah buey chibai.......lanjiao lah....chow cheeeeeeeeeeeeeebai...........kanni nah lah.......kanini nah cibai.......cibai..........nah buey lah cibai.......

I dunknow abt you guys but me things the ppl I hang with love those few words and spew them like giving love advice to pimply teenagers whom write in to aunt agony. It was a great nite out and though I only wanted to stay up till 11pm for I hjave work at 9 am the next day, we actually stayed till 1 am.

As I said, great nite out, only thing is, dunch know why my ears only picked up all the expicits above throughout the whole nite.